Proposed Model of Students Acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses


  • Eithar Mohamed Mahmoud Nasef
  • Norziha Megat Mohd. Zainuddin
  • Roslina Ibrahim
  • Sya Azmeela Shariff


Massive Open Online Courses, UTAUT2, E-learning, Acceptance test, Educational Value, Behavioural Intention.


The importance of using Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) as a source of learning can be clearly seen from the increase of the number of universities that have chosen to use them to offer courses to their students. While many efforts have been made in the studies of MOOCs, the understanding of people's behaviour and intent is a key issue in MOOCs. This study aims to identify the factors that will influence the students and learners behavioural intention to accept MOOCs. This research will compare the existing UTAUT2 model as the theoretical framework which is used to investigate the factors that influence user acceptance. Finally, this article proposed a model to support the behavioural intention of using MOOCs by integrating the educational value construct. Using the proposed model, we can investigate which of the factors that affect the behavioural intention of using MOOCs have a significant influence on the student’s acceptance of MOOCs. The results can be helpful for universities and schools introducing MOOCs to their students in taking into consideration the factors for ensuring students are interested to participate and can benefit from the technology.



Author Biographies

Eithar Mohamed Mahmoud Nasef



Norziha Megat Mohd. Zainuddin



Roslina Ibrahim



Sya Azmeela Shariff






How to Cite

Mahmoud Nasef, E. M. ., Megat Mohd. Zainuddin, N. ., Ibrahim, R., & Shariff, S. A. . (2019). Proposed Model of Students Acceptance of Massive Open Online Courses. Open International Journal of Informatics, 7(Special Issue 2), 179–189. Retrieved from