Various Approaches for Software vulnerability Assessment and Risk Identification using soft computing Techniques


  • Ali Hussein .
  • Azri Azmi
  • Hafiza Abas



Prediction, Software Flaw Prediction, RNN, Deep Learning Classifier


The detection of software flaws is a viable technique for enhancing the quality of technology and testing management by providing rapid detection of deficiency simulation models until the actual testing phase starts. These prediction outcomes help designers of technology effectively devote their available resources to components that are more vulnerable to deficiencies. In this research investigation, a software bug prediction model is proposed using Deep Learning (DL) approach. The Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) is used for classification of source code including numerous soft computing techniques. Numerous preprocessing and data filtration techniques have been carried out for data balancing and normalization. The Term Frequency and Inverse Document Frequency (TF-IDF) and relation features extraction techniques is used to generate Vector Space Model (VSM). The classification has been done using RNN on both training and validation dataset. The evaluation of performance of proposed work is performed using various real-time and synthetic accessible databases. It is observed from the experimental results that the proposed framework performs better when different evaluated with different datasets




How to Cite

Hussein, A., Azmi, A., & Abas, H. (2024). Various Approaches for Software vulnerability Assessment and Risk Identification using soft computing Techniques. Open International Journal of Informatics, 12(1), 96–106.